Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Future of Publishing

Long time friend Sean Wolfe has launched Red Herring TV ( and is, IMHO, showing the way for print publishers to take their brand value and make it relevant and exciting for web consumers. Sean's interviews with leading VCs for example, make great viewing and MUST viewing for anyone planning on pitching their business plans to these leading folks. Take this example, Kef Kasdin of Battelle Ventures -- I love Sean's opening question "...what do you think, broken or not?" with respect to the early stage VC model.

Check it out!

1 comment:

Sean Wolfe said...

Thanks for the plug, Ted. I think the 1on1 show is a great vehicle for VCs to talk about the changes that are impacting their industry, in a format that's easily consumable. I'll be interested to see what your other blog neighbors have to say as well.