Thursday, March 16, 2006

MediaX Conference At Stanford

Enormous congratulations to Ellen Levy, Director of Industry Research and Collaboration for MediaX at Stanford University. I am sitting in the audience now, listening to the opening comments from John Hennessey, President of the University. The fact that John is here, giving these opening remarks, is in itself an enormous endorsement for the incredible work that Ellen and her organization are doing to connect industry with research. And the program over the next day and a half speaks to the enormous breadth of the collaboration that is being nurtured by this organization.

John notes that "..increasingly Universities will be the place that basic research and core technologies are developed." He is laying out an ambition program for evolving the educational initiatives as well as the research agendas that Stanford is undertaking. Examples that John offers for questions a University is uniquely suited to asking:

"How would you design the Internet today, if you could start with a clean state."

"What are the implications when people live not 10 years past their retirement age, but 20, 30, even 40?"

He closes with a quotation: "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used to create those problems" - Albert Einstein

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