Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Fair Disclosure -- Prior relationship to Salesforce.com

I have received some questions regarding my relationships to either Salesforce or Siebel and in the interest of pursuing a blogger code of ethics, let me be clear -- I have known Marc Benioff for some time, while at Borland I was the principal contact between Borland and Salesforce.com, and I did attend a 49ers game in the Salesforce.com corporate box. I have never received any such invitations from Siebel.

I personally do not believe that this clouds my reporting here on this blog, but now you can decide for yourself given my disclosure.

By the way, I did finally get a password and logon to Siebel CRM OnDemand -- after sending an email reminder to them yesterday. However I am not able to logon due to a Javascript error that I get when accessing their system. I have contacted their customer support organization and am awaiting their reply.

And when I signed up for the Salesforce.com trial (which worked flawlessly and immediately) it was through their website - not through my relationships to executives at their company.

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