Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Ray continues -- What does the next decade look like?


Volatility -- we can resolve for some time the assymetric threats in a conclusive manner. It was much easier to deal with the Soviet Union in the cold war. Now how do we operate? How do we plan our business and invest in the stock markets with the invisible threats?

Transparency -- if you are the CEO of a public company your shareholders should thank you every day -- why would anyone want this job? You run your company in a fish bowl and get no appreciation for this.

Low Growth -- focus on profitability instead of growth


Knoweldge Work Globalization -- it doesn't matter what your politics are, you have to decide where you stand on globalization of work and free trade economied. I just came back from India and I learned a whole lot about what is going on over there. India is not a black box that you shove work into. There is a lot of innovation goin on there and it is driven by an outstanding educational system over there. Either we use this advantage or someone else will.

Network Based Service Providers -- ASPs are NOT a flawed business model created by the Internet bubble. They are a capital intensive investment because you have to invest a lot to get the service level up by the time you have a first customer. End users are going to, more and more, say "I get it now" Instead of talking to my commercial software vendor and putting software on the shelf I can buy what I use.

Rationalize IT Infrastructure -- there is a modern IT infrastructure sitting out there now. CEOs say all that money I spent in the 90s I didn't get a return on so there is a negative attitude about IT. But what you have to convince them of is that they have to invest more now -- because the next set of technologies will leverage the infrastructure that was installed in the 90s and really deliver on that investment

Portable Computing -- Mobility is finally here -- we don't even need laptops as mobile devices, anywhere, any place, can provide communications and computing in a handheld platform.

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