Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Ray continues -- A New Economy?

Ray's comments:

A few years ago everyone was saying that the aggressive investment in IT technology was supposed to create an unending improvement in worker productivity that would allow economies to grow at a faster rate than at any other time in history.

Now people are asking, does IT matter? Quotes Nick Carr in the Harvard Business Review as saying "no"

The mistake -- it is not the IT that matters, it is the USE of IT that matters. How do you change the prospects of leadership in your industry because of the IT possibilities?

Nineties Optimism makes today look like a recession but if you look at the past 30 years, today looks like normalcy.

Based on a perspective from the bubble, it looks like we crashed the "new economy" -- wars, terrorism, market crash, job loss... but I contend that the new economy survived all of this.

Look at Amazon, EBay, knowledge workers at work anywhere in the world. Yes we destroyed it temporarily but it is being recreated.

I contend that by the end of this decade most of the predictions made during the Internet bubble will have come true

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